Seton Hall University
- Department
of Sociology/Anthroplogy
- SOCI 2416: Religion in American Life
- Spring,
- Prof.
Philip M. Kayal; Office: A&S Hall 214
- Office
Hours: MTR 10-00-11:00am; 12-1:00pm
- and
by Appointment
Course Outline
- Religion
in American life is, for many, the story of American society. The central
story in American history. It is virtually impossible to understand our society
and culture without knowing how religion influenced the founding of the nation
and our demographic contours. Religion, as either a social (political) movement
or institution, has been integrated into the nation's social structure since
the founding of the nation.
- After
examining what religion is and how it sociologically functions in society, we
will review the historical forces and circumstances which have given rise to the
"peculiar" social and political form that American religion has taken.
To do this successfully you must quickly read the first three chapters of Hudson
and Corrigan (1999) listed below. Religion has always been part of national
life. It has always been political. Also, American religion is either
organizational or decentralized, often anti-intellectual, either pro and
counter cultural, and integrative or divisive. Our primary goal will be to
examine the relationship of religion to social and cultural pluralism.
- Doing
this effectively, means examining the original intent behind both the
constitutional guarantee of religious liberty and the non-establishment status
of organized religion. We will
differentiate between negative and positive pluralism and how these affect
social structure. This means determining whether or not religion is or is not
really established here.
- When
this is done, we will be able to evaluate the present nature and function of
religion (especially Roman Catholicism) in American society. In addition to
focusing on the presence of a "religious factor" (however conceived)
on both the economic and social lives of most Americans, we will look at the
particular relationship of religion to prejudice, nationalism, AIDS/sex education,
legalized abortion, prayer in public schools, mangers on public property, etc.,
and the American political process in general.
- If,
in fact, religion is aligned with the powers that be and the social structure,
then we need to look at how this relationship affects the disinherited, those in
the counter-culture, and those active in challenging or changing the accepted
order of things. The Amish, for example, represent a religious subculture within
the national society which is opposed to many of things that most of us take
for granted as good and Christian. The same is true of hippies, Moonies, Jesus
Freaks, Charismatics, evangelicals, and the "moral" majority, and
now, "new age people."
- Requirements:
- Attending
all classes are required Assignments are expected to be done and returned on
time, properly formatted, spell-checked and always
stapled. Grades will primarily
be computed from tests and projects. Other
subtle indicators of your progress in your knowledge of this subject that will
affect your grade are attendance, class participation, and classroom etiquette
(professionalism, punctuality, behavior, etc.). Students who must miss
class or be delayed in an assignment are to explain why to the professor before
the event. All long term absences
must first be reported to the Dean of Community Services in the University
Center to be considered valid
- Academic Integrity:
- It
is expected that any work submitted in courses be the product of the efforts of
the student presenting the work, and that the contributions of others to the
finished product be appropriately acknowledged. The presentation of another's
work as one's own is a serious violation of the academic process, and will be
penalized accordingly. The decision
on the appropriate penalty is primarily the professor's and could include
expulsion from class, the university, and/or a failing grade. However, the office of the Dean will be included in all
- Term Projects: Do
the following project
- A) Religious Journey
- After
reading the introduction to Spiritual
Marketplace by Roof, proceed to Chapter 1 entitled Varieties
of Spiritual Quest. After
reading these interviews and the section on Context
of Analysis, apply these ideas to yourself. Write your own spiritual-search
autobiography. Locate yourself anywhere you want on the continuum he outlines.
The assumption is that given the data on religious searching in America
(90% of Americans claim some interest, identification with, belief in, etc.
something supernatural), you should be thinking about God, the sacred, meaning,
purpose, etc. So let's see what your feelings or views are. Explain why and how
you feel this way and how you fit into the general pattern(s) of American
- B: News Story Analysis
- Students
are to follow a news story in The New York
Times on some aspect of religion in America and relate it to an issue
outlined in Church and State. This Journal will
be handed out to you in class. There are always stories about the relationship
or role of religion in American society in the print media.. For example, a
Catholic women running for public office was excommunicated for supporting
abortion, a nun working for the state was silenced for dispensing money to poor
women for abortions, parents are on trial for the death of their son because as
Jehovah Witnesses, they refused a blood transfusion, people wonder about the
sacredness of "the flag," towns have been forbidden to put up
Christmas mangers, prayer in public school is always debated, the ordination of
women and gays is hotly contested, and a hundred more items of this type are
reviewed constantly in the news. Now we have the President's initiative to fund
faith based initiatives.
- Be
sure to check the NY TIMES to get the
most contemporary information. There is a regular Religion Section in the TIMES
on Saturday. You register for the NY
TIMES on line by typing in www. nytimes.com. Nothing can be easier.
- Follow
the story and analyze it sociologically
in terms of the theory and concepts of this course. I am giving you the bulk
of the analysis from a Civil Liberties Perspective as presented in the Journal
of Church and State. You probably
will have to read up on the particular issue, problem, or group
you are looking at and I encourage you to do so.
There are some general references listed at the end of this syllabus.
Your main concern should be to illustrate why and how some issue (flag
burning, abortion, etc?) is related to some constitutional question stemming
from the separation of church and state and/or "civil religion" as
outlined in class.
- Required Readings:
- Hudson
W and J. Corrigan
Religion in America (6th
edit). New Jersey: Prentice Hall
- Roof,
Wade Clark
Spiritual MarketPlace: Baby Boomers
and the Remaking of
American Religion. New Jersey: Princeton Univ. Press.
- Required Articles (on reserve):
- All
of the following can be found copied in the reserve room. They can also be
retreived from the original sources. There
is a Winter, 1967-8 issue of Daedalus
dedicated to the topic of Religion In American life which you may wish to
- Singer,
"Culture and Religion," The
Center Magazine,
Vol. 7, # 6 (Nov.-Dec). pp. 47-65.
- Himmelfarb,
"Secular Society: A Jewish Perspective." Daedalus,
(Winter), p. 220.
- Daronfield,
"The Extent of Religious Influence in American Public Schoools. In
Knudten, op.cit. p. 436.
- Pfeffer,
"Religion and the State: Religious Liberty In Catholic Dogma,
History and Practice." In
Schneider, op.cit., p. 600.
- Katz,
Wilbur G. and H . Southerland
"Religious Pluralism and the Supreme Court." Daedalus,
(Winter), Vol. 96,
# 1, p. 180.
- Bellah,
"Civil Religion in America." in Daedalus,
p. 1.
"Civil Religion and the American Future," Religious
Vol. LXXI (May-June).
- Mathisen,
James A.
"Twenty Years After Bellah: Whatever Happend to American Civil
Religion?" Sociological Analysis,
Vol. 50:2, pp. 129-146.
- Gamaron,
"Civil Religion in American Schools," Sociological
Analysis. Vol. 51:3, Fall, pp. 235-56.
- The
following articles are taken from Monahan, Mirola and Emerson's Sociology of Religion (New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
2001). They are on reserve and on E-reserve and will be assigned to
individual as the subject matter arises and student interest in topic increases.
Class report will be given..
- Geertz,
Clifford. "Religion as a
Cultural System" Pp. 16-23
- Bellah,
Rober. "Civil Religion in America." Pp. 43-47.
- Kurien,
Prema. "Becoming American by Becoming Hindu." Pp. 83-89.
- Daly,
Mary. "The Spiritual Revolution: Women's Liberation as Theological
RE-education." Pp. 181-125
- Mirola,
William. "Introduction to Social Class and Religion." Pp. 144-150.
- Hunter,
James. "Culture Wars: The Challenge of Homosexuality." Pp. 180-183.
- Berger,
Peter. "Secularism and Pluralism." Pp. 201-204.
- Young.
Wendy W. "Introduction to Alternative Religions." Pp. 258-263.
- Melton,
J. Gordon. "Modern Alternatives in the West." Pp. 266-283.
- Cassanova.
Jose. "Catholicism in the United States: From Private to Public
Denomination. Pp. 344-351.
- Wald,
Kenneth. "The Political Mobilization of Evangelical Protestants." Pp.
Classic Bibliographic Sources
- Greeley,
The Denominational Society. Illinois: Scott Foreman Co.
- Hammond,
Phillip and Benton Johnson, eds.
American Mosaic: Social Patterns of Religion in the United States.
- Hammond,
"The Sociology of American Civil Religion: A Bibliographic
Guide," Sociological Analysis.
Vol. 37.
- Knudten,
The Sociology of Religion: An Anthology. New York:
- Lippy,
Charles H. and Peter W. Williams
Encylopedia of the American Religious Experience. New York: Charles
Scribner and Sons. Three Volumes.
- Neibuhr,
H. Richard
The Social Sources of Denominationalism.
New York: The World PUblishing Co. (Meridan Books, 1957).
- O'Dea,
The American Catholic Dilemma. New York: Sheed and Ward.
- Schneider,
Religion, Culture and Society. New
York: John Wiley.
- Yinger,
J. M.
Religion, Society and the Individual. New York: Macmillan.
- Other
articles relative to the subject of this course can be found in Sociological Analysis (now called the Sociology of Religion), The
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Daedalus, Journal of Church and
State, etc.
Contemporary Sources
- Gallup
G. and D. Michael Lindsay
Surveying the Rel.
in U.S.
Morehouse Publ.
- Berger,
A Far Glory: The Quest for Faith in an Age of Credulity. New York: Free Press.
- Berry,
Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of
Children. New York: Doubleday.
- Blanchard,
Dallas A. and Terry J. Prewitt
Religious Violence and Abortion: The Gideon Project. Gainesville,
FL:University of Press of Florida.
- Chryssides,
George D.
The Advent of Sun Myung Moon. New York: St. Martin's Press.
- Davidman,
Tradition in a Rootless World: Women Turn to Orthodox Judaism.
Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
- Haddad,
Yvonne Yazbeck andJane I. Smith
Muslim Communities in North America. New York: SUNY Press.
- Hammond,
Philip E.
Religion and Personal Autonomy: The Third Disestablishment in
America. Columbia: University of So. Carolina Press.
- Handy,
Robert T.
Undermined Establishment: Church-State Relations in America.
Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
- Jorstad,
Popular Religion in America: The Evangelical Voice.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- Lincoln,
C. Eric
The Black Church in the African-American Experience. N. Carolina: Duke
Univ. Press.
- McCarthy,
Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn. Berkeley:
Univ. of California Press.
- Misztal
and Anson Shupe
Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: Revival of Religious
Fundamentalism in East and West. Wesport, Ct: Praeger.
- Nygren
J. aand Miriam D. Ukeritis
The Future of Religious Orders in the United States: Tranformation and
Commitment. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Prebish,
Religion and Sport: The Meeting of Sacred and Profane. Wesport, CT:
Greenwood Press.
- Rambo,
Lewis R.
Understanding Religious Conversion. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Roof,
Wade Clark
A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journey of the Baby Boom
- Roof,
Wade Clark and W. McKinney
American Mainline Religion. New
Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press.
- Sherrill,
Rowland A.
Religion and the Life of the Nation: American Recoveries. Illinois:
The Univ. of Illinois Press.
- Quinonez,
Lora Ann and Mary Daniel Turner
The Transformation of American Catholic Sisters. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press.
- Wagner,
Melinda Bollar
God's Schools: Choice, and Compromise in American Society. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press.
- Wangerin,
The Children of God: A Make-Believe Revolution. Wesport, CT: Bergin
& Garvey.
- Watt,
David Harrington
A Transforming Faith: Explorations of Twentieth Century American
Evangelism. New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press.
- Wilcox,
God's Warriors: The Christian Right in Twenthieth Century America.
Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press.
- Wuthnow.
The Restructuring of American Religion. New Jersey: Princeton Univ.
- Some
important and useful websites on Religion in America
- Religious pluralism and Tolerance
- Comparative Religions
- American Sociological Association Section on Soc. of Religion
- Religion Sites
- African American Religion in the 19th Century
- Religion and the Founding of the American Republic
- Institute for the Study of American Religion
- http://www.americanreligion.org/
- American Religion Data Archive
- http://www.thearda.com/arda.asp?Show=Home
- Native American Religions
- http://www.stormwind.com/common/nareligion.html
- The American Religious Experience
- http://are.as.wvu.edu/
- American Civil Religion and the First Amendment
- http://www.go2zero.com/acr01.htm