Grading Policy

Essays:  50% of Grade
Basic Skills classes are Pass/Fail and 1201 is graded.  However, you will get a single grade in this course because it really is one course, even though it's officially two.  If you get a C+, then your 1201 grade will be C+ and your Basic Skills grade will be Pass.  Each of the five essays counts 10% of the essay grade, though later essays count slightly more than earlier ones, especially if there is improvement.  All essays require a new metatext with each draft.  All drafts must be e-mailed to me two hours before the start of class, not as an attachment.  In the subject line indicate the homework assignment (e.g., Essay 1, draft 2; Hart response).  Essays will not be accepted after the due date unless you have made an arrangement prior to class with me.

Self-Assessment: 5%
Metatexts for each draft of each essay.
Self-reflection (2-3 pages) at mid-term using language of writing and reading process and essay evaluation developed in class during the term.  Student examples.

Informal Reading-Related Assignments:  15%
These will include double-entry journal assignments, summaries, and other assignments that relate to readings in The Presence of Others.

Participation in the Life of the Classroom:  15%
To be negotiated in class.

English Department Attendance Policy
College English I is a writing workshop, which means that the work we do in class is an essential component of the course. This includes in-class writing assignments, note-taking, peer review, and group work. Students with more than 6 absences, either excused or unexcused, will have failed to complete a substantial number of these writing assignments, and will therefore be unable to pass College English I.  Because 0130 only meets twice a week, only 4 absences are allowed.  

In all cases, unexcused absences lower your grade, as does lateness to class.  I require 3 individual conferences over the course of the term.  Past students have told me that these are especially valuable.  Missing a conference is the same as missing a class and counts as an absence.

Final Exam:  10%
Self-reflection, using language of writing process and essay evaluation developed in class during the term, that documents your learning over the course of the term.

Writing Center Attendance:  5%
0-3 visits = F       4 visits = D        5 visits = C       6 visits = B-    7 visits = B+    8 or more visits = A
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