1. Define your issue.

Saying "Cars are better than public transportation" does not define an issue.  See how Wilson defines his issue in the first sentence of the second paragraph on page 309 in The Presence of Others ("So the real debate....")

2. Create a chart of arguments and counterarguments.

Argument Against Your Position Your Counterargument Evidence for Counterarguments*





*Evidence may include personal experience, statistics, observations, cited sources (from The Presence of Others, the internet, library research, etc.). 

**The specific number will vary from essay to essay.

3. State your overall position on your issue.

As usual, this should be both complex and elegant. 

4. Consider the perspective on science and technology you developed after reading Shelley and Bishop.

Examine the position you came up in #3 above.  How does the perspective you developed on science and technology apply to it?  Does it help you articulate your position in a more interesting way?