Mid-Term Self-Assessment

I. A self-assessment is an opportunity to take stock of how you're doing and where you're going in this class, and to reflect on how well the class is serving your needs (and vice-versa).  As you look over all of your writing for this class, keep in mind the following questions:
    * What have I learned about how to read and write?
    * What do I think good reading and writing look like? 
    * How do I learn?
    * What do I struggle with?  What do I do when something is difficult?
Copy and paste from your writing into a document that will become the evidence the answers to these questions..

II. Then focus your attention on the next half of the term.  Using the following questions as prompts for your thinking, write about what you think you can do and what the class can be like for you to continue learning how to write effectively. • How consistently am I prepared, present, and participating? • How regularly did I write? • What am I struggling to be able to do? • What role(s) do I play in this class? • What do I need more help on? • What has been useful/unuseful so far in class, conferences, and tutoring in furthering my learning? Think of specific in-class activities, things people have said, assignments, relationships with fellow students and teacher.

Write about both I and II in a letter, due along with your final drafts to date, plus your Writing Log.  The length of the letter will be determined by how concrete you are able to be. I imagine something in the neighborhood of two pages, though often students find it hard to keep it that short. Notice that this reflection should do what any good academic writing should: discover something interesting to say, say it clearly, and support it with evidence (in this case, your texts and experiences). These are the criteria on which I will evaluate your self-assessment, not on how brilliant you make yourself look.