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Ever read something you just couldn't stand--or loved to pieces?  In an essay review, you get to go head-to-head with a published author and tell him/her exactly what you think about their notions about feminism or anorexia or male superiority or frats.  And do it in style.
In college I threw up occasionally....   Anorexia is a prison camp....  It is, after all, only manly to embrace the power to frighten and intimidate....  to [the guys] it is not men who rule, but work and women that govern men....  Hunt, pursuit, and capture are biologically programmed into male sexuality....  Sixteen-year-old boy:  "Thank God I'm not a girl...." books_banner.gif (5573 bytes)


Essay IV Assignment Sequence
Day Homework Due In-Class Work
Day 10
Read Douglas essay, "Where the Girls Are" (75).  First draft of Essay IV due, with metatext.  You may choose among the following essays:  Douglas, Greenstein, Lyman, Hong Kingston.  Do some research via the internet, bookstore, or library to increase your knowledge base for the essay review.   Editing work on final draft of Essay III.    Workshop first draft of Essay IV.
Day 11
Second draft of Essay IV due, with metatext.  Read one book review and analyze it as a writer preparing to revise your own essay.  That is, what do you notice that the author does in the review?  Is there a main idea that connects all the pieces in some way?  How does the writer support his/her views? Workshop second draft of Essay IV.  Review criteria for effective essay.  "Quiz" on Paglia essay.
Day 12
Final draft of Essay IV due, with new metatext.  For Thursday, read Sweet and Paglia essays for differing perspectives on date rape.  Take organized notes (possibly in a two-column format) that show at least three ways that Sweet and Paglia have different perspectives on date rape.  Be prepared to cite your sources.  Then do a freewrite in which you articulate your own thoughts on date rape. Discuss Sweet and Paglia essays.  Begin Essay V.

New concepts: essay (movie/book/record) review, multiple perspectives, making judgments, argument, close reading as evidence for idea, citing textual sources.

Here's an example of a book review, in this case of Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth, as it appeared in The New York Times.

Requirements for Essay IV:
+     Reviews an essay selected from Speculations about a gender issue (Lyman, Greenstein, Wolf, Douglas)
+     Uses as evidence the text from the essay, a close reading of the text, knowledge of the essay form, personal
       knowledge, and some knowledge of the author or other textual knowledge about gender
+     Cites sources using MLA format
+     about 3 pages, double-spaced, with metatext for each draft

Student example.