Grading Policy

Essays:  50% of Grade
Basic Skills classes are Pass/Fail.  The first essay will receive comments only.  The next will receive comments and, pending class discussion, a grade or a check.  The last two will receive grades used 1201 standards.  Each of the four essays counts about 12% of the essay grade, though later essays count slightly more than earlier ones, especially if there is improvement.  All essays require a new metatext with each draft. All drafts must be put in Learning Space the night before they're due, not as an attachment.  In the subject line indicate the homework assignment (e.g., Essay 1, draft 2; Tan response). Essays will not be accepted after the due date unless you have made an arrangement prior to class with me.

Self-Assessment: 10%
Metatexts for each draft of each essay (see Metatext in Criteria for Essay Evaluation)

Self-reflection (2-3 pages) at mid-term and end-of-term using language of reading and writing process and essay evaluation developed in class during the term. Student examples.

Participation in the Life of the Classroom:  20%
Section ZA

Teacher Responsibility
Give homework.
Respond to homework
Teach you how to do the homework.
Help students participate by asking questions.
Student Responsibility
Do your homework; e-mail the night before.
Go to class on time.
Ask questions about the homework or the topic.
Take notes to prompt your thinking.
Volunteer instead of waiting to be called on.
Say when you don’t get something.

Post Test Results:  10%

Writing Center Attendance:  10%
1-5 visits = F     6 visits = D    7 visits = C     8 visits = B-     9 visits = B+     10 visits = A
Visit the Writing Center homepage to learn more about this important resource.

English Department Attendance Policy
More than 6 absences results in failing the course.