Assignment #3

In you're in the 8:30 class, read the Magnet essay.  If you're in the 1:00 class, read the Cose essay.

1.    As you read it, identify in the margin the arguments that you find particularly compelling or that you realize that you'll need to find a way to argue against in your essay.  Also note language that made you particularly trust or distrust the author.

2.    Summarize the essay in less than 100 words.

3.     Represent 3 places in the text that you agree or disagree with.  You'll need first to quote or paraphrase and include an in-text citation.  Then you can explain why you agree or disagree.  You can also explain why you think the author is framing the argument in a way that does or does not make sense.

4.    Identify a place in the text that increased or decreased the trust that you had in the author.