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Ever read something you just couldn't stand--or loved to pieces?  In an essay review, you get to go head-to-head with a published author and tell him/her exactly what you think about their notions about feminism or anorexia or male superiority or frats.  And do it in style.
In college I threw up occasionally....   Anorexia is a prison camp....  It is, after all, only manly to embrace the power to frighten and intimidate....  to [the guys] it is not men who rule, but work and women that govern men....  Hunt, pursuit, and capture are biologically programmed into male sexuality....  Sixteen-year-old boy:  "Thank God I'm not a girl...." books_banner.gif (5573 bytes)

Essay IV Assignment Sequence
Day Homework Due In-Class Work

New concepts: essay (movie/book/record) review, multiple perspectives, making judgments, argument, close reading as evidence for idea.

Here's an example of a book review, in this case of Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth, as it appeared in The New York Times.

Requirements for Essay IV:
+     Reviews an essay selected from Speculations about a gender issue (Lyman, Greenstein, Wolf, Douglas)
+     Uses as evidence the text from the essay, a close reading of the text, knowledge of the essay form, personal
       knowledge, and some knowledge of the author or other textual knowledge about gender
+     Cites sources using MLA format
+     about 3 pages, double-spaced, with metatext for each draft

Student example.