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What makes a man a man?  What makes a woman a woman?  Why is women's liberation "out"?  Why do women make less money than men and still have to clean the toilet bowl?  Is date rape still rape?

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Essay III Assignment Sequence
Date Homework Due In-Class Work

Check out this site on gender issues and see how your perceptions of the opposite sex stack up against those of other men and women. 

New concepts:  beginning-middle-end in an expository essay, complexity or tension in ideas, reading response, summary, multiple ways of responding to reading, finding patterns and making generalizations, concept, documentation of sources, incorporating sources inside your essay

Requirements for Essay III:
+    Main idea develops an idea about gender that arises from careful reading of the stories of Essay II.
+    Cites stories as evidence for ideas, using MLA format for both in-text citation and Works Cited page. (You may
       use other evidence as well.)
+    3-4 pages typed, double-spaced, with metatext for each draft

Student example essay.