BPOL 5000 AA: BUSINESS POLICY

Summer (May 30-June 21) 2006

INSTRUCTOR:                   Professor A.D. Amar, PhD    

OFFICE:                                650 Jubilee Hall

CONTACT INFO:               Tel. Office: (973) 761-9684

                                                Tel. Home Office: (Ask for it from the professor)

                                                Tel. Secy.: (973) 761-7723 (Rosemary Pauler)                 

                                                Fax: (973) 761-9217


Homepage:  (It is dated and posts very general items. For more useful information refer to the course BB site.)

LECTURE:                            Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays: 2:25-5:20 pm JH 117

OFFICE HOURS:                Summer hours are by appointment only.  However, typically I am in my office the day of my lectures.  Do not hesitate to call me at my home office.  You have this telephone number given to you in class.                           

PREREQUISITES:              Business Junior standing is required to enroll in this class.  Enrolled students must have finished all core courses.  It is each student’s responsibility to make sure of his/her eligibility to enroll in this course.  Without fulfilling the prerequisites, students will not be able to earn credits for this course!


Text Books


T1.          Title:                       Micromatic: A Strategic Management Simulation, Version 1.6

                Authors:                Timothy W. Scott, John A. Kalisky and Philip H. Anderson

                Publisher:               Oak Tree Simulations, Mankato, MN

                Edition:                  Version 1.6 (2006)

T2.          Title:                       Fundamentals of Strategic Management

                Author:                  R. Parthasarthy

                Publisher:              Houghton-Mifflin

                Edition:                  First Edition (2007)

                ISBN:                      13-978-0-618-42759-8

Recommended Periodicals

S1.          The Wall Street Journal (Strongly Recommended)

S2.          Fortune

S3.          Business Week

Please Note: The books have been ordered as a package, ISBN:  0-618-82590-8.  The package is available in SHU Bookstore. 


                During this course, students will be afforded the ability to integrate diverse knowledge that constitutes the discipline of "Business.”  Specifically, they will have the ability to apply operations management, financial accounting, marketing, strategic management, economic analyses, financial market operations, and human resource management.  They should experience broad decision-making process, report writing, and corporate communication, particularly by organized and extempore presentations.  Students will have an opportunity to work in groups to manage their own company simulated in an industry.

                The main objective of this course is to let students have an experience of managing a company in the role of a key manager, such as general manager, vice-president, president or CEO, through the versatility of Micromatic Simulation® computer simulation.  Micromatic Simulation® is a powerful and user-friendly simulation that allows the instructor and his assistant (game administrator) to engage in active intervention to create an industry that can be formulated to become very close to real-life for your training.  This particular simulation requires a lot of commitment of time and effort on part of the instructor in administering your managing of the company.  However, it is worth his time, and you should make it worth yours. 

                The aim of this course is to let students integrate and apply what they have learned in previous classes during their stay in the program.  There is no emphasis on elaborate lecturing or formal teaching of new material, except where it becomes imperative to cover some concepts that students did not comprehend in their previous classes.  Nevertheless, students may ask the professor for a review of any previously learned concept at which they do not feel comfortable.

All requirements for this particular section of BPOL 5000 are being made available to you in this document that is being distributed on the first day of the class.  This instructor’s requirements for this course mostly stay unchanged across semesters.  However, different instructors teaching different sections of this course in different semesters are given the flexibility to make changes in the requirements to suit their strengths, causing some variations form one section to another.  Nevertheless, students are given the choice. 




S1: Communication Skills:  Students learn written and oral communication skills by presenting ideas in a correct, logical, focused, concise, and appropriate manner for the intended audience, impromptu and in a pre-designed format.

S2: Technology:  During this course, students use information technology, such as the computers and the Internet to find, gather, organize, summarize, and present data, solve problems, and do what-if analyses.  The students also learn how business firms use IT in their operations.

S3: Teamwork:    In this course, students learn to recognize accountability and responsibility of individuals working in a team.

S4: Change Management: Students of this course develop leadership skills to encourage and motivate high performance from individuals faced with change, and to manage organizations through change by understanding the variables that bring it about.



Changes in this syllabus are not very likely, but possible at the sole discretion of the instructor.  In the event of a change, announcement will be made before its enforcement.


A number of files containing important information on this course are uploaded on the course’s BB site.  Please frequently check it to keep ready for the class.


The Stillman School encourages students to engage in academic honesty and reflect a behavior that is consistent with the accepted norms of professional code that is beyond any semblance of unethical behavior.  It is for this reason that academic dishonesty will not be tolerated by this professor.  To avoid it, a student of this class must do the following.  (This is not a complete list.):                                                       

1.        Perform all individual work without assistance from anyone in this class or out of this class.

2.        All group work should be performed only by members of the group without any assistance from anyone other than the members of the group.

3.        Avoid engaging in any of the following dishonest acts:

a.        Copying, sharing or obtaining information from any unauthorized source during projects, examinations, or quizzes;

b.       Copying from or unauthorized sharing of homework assignments with other students;

c.        Failing to properly cite sources (including ideas and phrases taken from articles, books, the Internet, etc.);

d.       Attempting to take credit for the intellectual creation of another person as one’s own work;

e.        Falsifying information;

f.         Giving or receiving information pertaining to tests, quizzes, or assignment solutions to other students.

                The instructor will be very vigilant in observing academic dishonesty and will be the final judge in declaring an act as dishonest.

                Punishment for dishonest act may amount to giving a “zero” in an assignment, quiz, or exam, or grade of “Fail” in the course, or expulsion from the program, the Stillman School, or Seton Hall University.

ON LAPTOPS IN CLASSROOM                                                                                                  This class is divided into two parts—(1) the decision-making period and (2) the lecture/discussion/presentation period.  All students should have their laptops and calculators available in every class.  However, they should be used only during the decision-making periods for making quarterly input decisions, to do analyses, and to print decisions and output reports.  HOWEVER, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT DURING CLASS DISCUSSIONS, LECTURES, PRESENTATIONS, AND QUESTION-ANSWER PERIODS ALL LAPTOPS SHOULD BE SHUT OFF WITH MONITORS CLOSED.  ANY STUDENT USING LAPTOP DURING ANY OF THESE PERIODS WILL BE ASSUMED TO BE ENGAGED IN ACTIVITY ALIEN TO THE CLASS AND WILL BE ASKED TO CLOSE IT.  In such cases, the student may be marked absent and/or LOSE 1 POINT OFF HIS/HER CLASS PARTICIPATION SCORE FOR EACH TIME of such use of the laptop.                                     Doing anything on the laptop that is not what is scheduled or permitted for that day by the course syllabus or the instructor will be considered alien activity and will be treated in the manner given above.           The instructor will maintain a confidential record of violations of the above policy.


                All cell phones and electronic gadgets must be switched off during the entire period of the class. Using these devices or making or receiving calls during the class time or walking out of the class to receive a phone call will tantamount to absence from the class.  In such cases, the instructor will have the prerogative to mark the student absent for that class.

ON COMPLETENESS OF COMPANY FILES                                                                                                                It is important that every member of every company must have his/her own folder on his/her company’s history, assignments, input decisions and performance reports, as well as a copy of the disk containing the most recent decisions and output results.  One should be able to present his/her folder to the instructor on demand.  Each occurrence of failure to produce these documents or produce them in a complete form will result in a score of -1 point towards one’s points on the teamwork. (See Item #3 in the Grading System and Assignments given below.


                All work submitted to the professor or put in the student’s company folder, in addition to carrying names of those who worked on it, must carry information on the date and time when it was completed and filed or when it was submitted to the instructor.  All submissions that do not carry date stamp would be considered late.


                Students must come prepared to each class.  The preparation includes having completed all assignments and readings.  The instructor will ask students questions from the reading assignments.  Failure to answer questions reflecting the information contained in the readings will be considered “unprepared for the class” and will amount to -1 point on the class participation grade.


                You should come to company decision-making conferences with your set of input decisions all filled out in the Decision Sheet with your analysis supporting your decisions attached.  You will confer with your teammates in the finalization of the input decisions based on these documents.  Not doing this for a conference would label an individual “Unprepared” and may result in a penalty of one (-1) point on the class participation grade.


ASSIGNMENT                                                                             PERCENT POINTS


1.    Tests                                                                                       010                                                                                         @Micromatic Game Quiz (Q1)                       005                                                                                                              Strategy Test    (Q2)                                        005

2.     Company file                                                                         005 (5 checks @ 1 point each)                                                                       

3. +   Class participation                                                               010

                                                        Total                                                                       025


4.*   Performance on simulation                                                 040  (28~40)

5. * Stockholders Meeting & Annual Report                                                                                                   Written Report                                                                           010                                                         Meeting                                                                                 005

6.* Strategic Analysis of Firm Presentation                           020                                                                                         (Only presentations) Select a case from                                                                                        Appendix O.  Report as per Appendix J

                                        Total                                                                                       075

GRAND TOTAL                                                                                                          100

Footnotes on Requirements

@This quiz will be an objective assessment of the understanding of the rules of Micromatic Simulation simulation.  In addition to receiving your grade for this quiz, each team members’ average collective performance will be used to issue cash awards, as follows:

                First Prize (Team that scores the highest average per member)                              $250,000

                Second Prize (Second highest per member)                                                  125,000

                Third Prize (Third highest per member)                                                                       75,000

The cash amount will be deposited in the teams’ accounts in the following quarter and can be used like any other simulation dollars.                                                                                      

* These are corporate assignments.  All corporate assignments are group assignments in this class.  For these, all corporate officers are held responsible severally and jointly for their accomplishments.  For evaluation on them, confidential peer ratings will be required from each officer on the last day of classes.  The instructor will discuss it further in the class.

+ Students may lose 1 point (-1) toward this grade for every day of absence from this class.  Attendance will be taken at least once a day.  If you are not present at the time the attendance is called, you may request the professor to change his record at the end of the class.  Late arrival to the class will have less negative impact on the class participation grade.  

♀ This presentation involves covering strategic management concepts.  You may recall what you have previously learned on SM and/or may use text T2 to read them.  Course BB site has a number of PPTs on SM. Companies for this assignment are included in Appendix X.  You may start on it by reading from T2; however, due to the staleness of the information in there, you will have to depend on recent information from your own reading

Please note.  All schedules will be strictly maintained.


Accumulated Points            Grade      Quality Points

93-100                                     A             4.00

90-92                                       A-           3.67

86-89                                       B+           3.33

83-85                                       B             3.00

80-82                                       B-            2.67

76-79                                       C+           2.33

73-75                                       C             2.00

70-72                                       C-            1.67

66-69                                       D+           1.33

63-65                                       D             1.00

Less than 63                          F              0.00

Industry: Video Games for X-Box



PLEASE NOTE: THE USE OF LAPTOPS IS NOT PERMITTED IN CLASS DURING THE LECTURE, PRESENTATION, AND DISCUSSION PERIODS.  To be sure that you are not penalized for their unauthorized use, it will be advisable to shut off and close your laptops before the class period begins and leave it shutoff during these periods.  Opening up or using the laptop during the dead times during these periods will also be equally penalized.  


Year 2006


  1. May 30:


Course syllabus and requirements 5000AASyllabusSu06.doc

Collection of information on the formation of companies


Company Orientation Session 1 (Micromatic Management)  ../Micromatic/The Micromatic Simulation.ppt  


Reading Assignments: T1 Pages 1-64.


  1. May 31:


Formation of the companies.

Assumption of the charge. 

Benchmarking the management. 


Company Orientation Session 2 (Rules of the Micromatic Simulation) ..\Micromatic\The Micromatic Company By Dr. Amar.ppt 


Starting Company Operations


Company exercise

Initialize Companies


Reading Assignment: T1 Pages 30-56


  1. June 1:                                                                                                                                       


Mechanics of Making Decisions in Micromatic


Micromatic Solo


Entering Company Decisions  


  1. June 5:


Decisions Quarter 1   


  1. June 6:


How to read the output—Quarter 2 Example.


Decisions Quarter 2


Reading Assignment: T2 Chapters 1 and 2


  1. June 7:


Strategic Management Introduction  ..\Foundations of Strategic Management by Parthasarthy\Parthasarthy 1&2 Edited by Amar.ppt



Quiz 1 on Company Policy and Practice (Rules of the Micromatic Simulation simulation; pages 1-73 of T1). 


Decisions Quarter 3


Company Exercise:

Draft your company’s Mission and Vision statements


Reading Assignment: T2 Chapters 3 and 4  


  1. June 8:


Decisions Quarter 4


Situation Analysis ..\Foundations of Strategic Management by Parthasarthy\Parthasarthy 3&4 Edited by Amar.ppt


Company Exercise:

Perform analysis following Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model with respect to your simulated company.  Include in there your industry size and its growth rate, your market size and market share and strength and weaknesses; identify your rivals and their market size and shares and their strengths and weaknesses.  Come up with 5 each opportunities and threats in the external environment.   


Reading Assignment:

T2 Chapter 5 and 6



  1. June 12: 


Business and Corporate Level Strategies ..\Foundations of Strategic Management by Parthasarthy\Parthasarthy 5&6 Edited by Amar.ppt


Decisions Quarter 5 


Company Exercise:

Recognize five each strengths and weaknesses of your company.  Check how it is situated in the light of five previously stated opportunities and threats, and what you will do to overcome the threats and avail of the opportunities.


Reading Assignment:  T2 Chapters 7 and 8



  1. June 13:


International and Functional Strategies ..\Foundations of Strategic Management by Parthasarthy\Parthasarthy 7&8 Edited by Amar.ppt


Decisions Quarter 6


Company Exercise:

Perform a TOWS analysis of your company using TOWS matrix.  Select a strategy(ies) that you should implement for your company.


Reading Assignment: T2 Chapters 9 and 10



  1. June 14:


Implementation and Control ..\Foundations of Strategic Management by Parthasarthy\Parthasarthy 9&10 Edited by Amar.ppt


How to Write Annual Report ..\How_To_Report_to_Stockholders.ppt


Decisions Quarter 7 


Company Exercise:

Identify your company’s strategy.  Check out its effectiveness in achieving the vision you set out for your company.  Finalize a new corporate strategy.


  1. June 15:


Review of Chapter 2 & Case Study Presentation: Colgate-Palmolive

Review of Chapter 3 & Case Study Presentation: Nike


Decisions Quarter 8 


  1. June 19:


Review of Chapter 4 & Case Study Presentation: Quaker Oats

Review of Chapter 5 & Case Study Presentation:  Intel


Decisions Quarter 9


  1. June 20:


Review of Chapter 6 & Case Study Presentation: Eastman Kodak

Review of Chapter 7 & Case Study Presentation: Dow Chemical Company


Strategy Test


Decisions Quarter 10


Annual Reports Due (Distribute one copy to every company in the industry and give the original to the professor)


  1. June 21:


Review of Chapter 8 & Case Study Presentation:  Wal-Mart

        Review of Chapter 9 & Case Study Presentation:  Amazon-com


Annual Stockholder Meeting


TCE Survey


Appendix A


BPOL 5000



(Presenters should complete the following lines and give one copy to each student and the instructor before starting the presentation. Failure to give out this sheet will reduce grade by 1 point.)


Date: ______________Company Name: _______________________________________Co. No: ______


Presenter(s):        1_______________________________________________________________________                                        2_______________________________________________________________________




Personal Presentation




Dependence on Notes


Body Language








Use of Technology                                                                     


Use of Time


Audience Reaction











F              D             +D           C             +C           B             +B           A             +A





                                                              (Prof. A. D. Amar, PhD)

Appendix C



Stillman School of Business







Name: ____________________________Level:___J___LS­­­­­­­­­­___US__Specilaization:__________________


SAT Scores: ______GPA at SHU: _____Credit Hours Earned: _____Expected Date of Graduation: ______


Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________________


Telephones:          (Please put an asterisk on the preferred telephone number.)

Day: ______________________Home: ____________________________Other: ___________________


Email Address: _____________________________________________________ (Case sensitive, please)


 I am a Resident Student.                                 I am a Commuter Student.


Transfer College (if applicable): _______________________ Major: _____________ Degree: _________


Employer: __________________________ Job Title: ______________________Years in the Line: _____


Professional/Career Objectives_____________________________________________________________________________


My favorite courses were:

(1)_______________________________ (2) __________________________ (3) __________________


What are you looking for in this course?  _____________________________________________________







Please check the appropriate blocks that apply:


1. “I believe that buying American is essential for the long-term good of America.”


 I agree with this statement.                             I do not agree with this statement.


2.  “I prefer American brand to a foreign brand with better image.”


 I agree with this statement.                             I do not agree with this statement.


3. “I am willing to pay up to _____% additional for a product made in the USA.”


 0           10         15         20        25          30         35         50         75         100


4. “I am willing to sacrifice _____% quality for a product made in the USA.”


 0           10         15         20        25          30         35         50         75         100




GROUP IDENTIFICATION_____________________________________________ (Leave this blank)


 Appendix H





Date __________________ Industry _______________________Company Name  ___________________________

Rating Scale

0              1                 2                3               4                5                      6              7              8              9                       10




Very Poor               Poor                                        Average                                   Above                           Excellent                                                                                                                                            Average  





                                                Rate Your Own

                                                Performance                               Rate Your Partners’ Performances        




                                                   (your name)                 (partner’s name)   (partner’s name)  (partner’s name)


1.  Team meetings:                   

         Attendance                             ______                        ______                  ______                ______

         Promptness                            ______                         ______                  ______                ______


2.  Quality of preparation

     for team meetings                    ______                        ______                  ______                 ______


3.  Skills in analyzing                 

     what to do                                 ______                        ______                  ______                 ______


4.  Overall knowledge and

     understanding of

     company operations                  ______                       ______                  ______                   ______


5.  Ability to make a

     complete decision

     on one’s own                              ______                       ______                  ______                   ______


6.  Caliber of contribution

     to decisions                                ______                       ______                  ______                   ______


7.  Contribution to

     plans and reports                       ______                       ______                   ______                   ______


8.  Has carried one’s own

     share of the workload               ______                      ______                   ______                    ______


9. Indicate your ranking of all team members (including yourself).  Assign points to each member out of a total of 100               such that these represent one’s contribution.


             Most Valuable (name) _______________________________

            1st Runner-up (name)  ________________________________

            2nd Runner-up (name) ________________________________

            3rd Runner-up (name) ________________________________


10. On the reverse side of this page write a good solid, one-paragraph assessment of the performance of each one of your company managers (including yourself) explaining, and justifying these rankings.




             Given the opportunity, I will pick same members as my teammates again


                                  Sure No     1         2        3         4         5     Sure Yes


Submit this evaluation to Dr. Amar at the end of the final exam.

Appendix I

(Students should fill in their Industry Letter, Company Number and date at the bottom of this sheet and give it to the Instructor.)




Management Department





To the evaluators: 


This is an overall evaluation team by team.  Evaluate your own team also.  Consider each company’s annual report production, presentation in written form, and content, considering items such as the name, logo, slogan, and stationery design for appropriateness, uniqueness, and coolness.  Next, assign it a score (a score of 1 for the lowest, 2 for the next, and likewise) and enter it in the appropriate line below.



Company A

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company B

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company C

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company D

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company E

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company F

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company G

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company H

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company I

Score                      1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10


Company J           1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10





Evaluators (Names):_____________________________________________________________________





Appendix J


Strategic Analysis Case Study


Purpose:           Forum for practice on strategy analysis tools learned through lectures/readings.


Process:            Read first introduction from the text and build further information from your search of the approved case and its industry.  Use this information as base for analyzing the selected company, and update the information on the company from other sources so that all changes up until the date of the class presentation of the case are incorporated.


Accomplish:      Perform strategic analysis as described in the steps below and make a Power Point presentation before the class.  The closer your report is to the procedure listed below, the higher the probability of it receiving all points set out for this section of the grade.

A good report will cover all the following:

·        History and background. (Company, its industry and the economy)

·        Strategic Analysis and Positioning. (This section will cover TOWS analysis & the company goals and objectives)

·        Company’s strategies and their Performance 

·        Recommended strategies & Implementation Plan

·        Proforma Statement & Conclusion

The Steps



1.       The Economy

2.       The Industry

3.       The firm in its industry and the economy

B.         STRATEGY


1.       The Firm’s Strategy History

2.       Evolution of the current strategy—Corporate, Business, and Functional.

3.       Competitors’ strategies—Corporate, Business, and Functional

4.       Workable strategies of the firm in light of A1 and A2; and B2, and B3.



1.       Firm’s preferred strategies given B4

2.       Implementation of, Evaluation, and Control aspects of C1.

3.       Recommendations—Corporate, Business, and Functional strategies

4.       Expected financial and strategic rewards of C3.

5.       Implementation plan




Grade: Satisfactory fulfillment of the above requirements guaranties 100% points on this assignment (subject to peer evaluation).


Caution:           The best analysis would not reproduce history and facts that are given in the case you have read but will provide a very quick summary of those that are relevant and will be needed in your analysis and will provide an update of these facts since the writing of this case.  You will be building your analysis on these updated facts relating to the company’s position in the marketplace in light of its industry and economic conditions.  Industry analysis is an essential part of a good strategy case.  The most thrust of your paper should be on the analysis—your analysis. 


Stay away from your opinion, beliefs, and thoughts.  Focus on data, analyses, and information gathered by your research or through analytical tools.  You may include expert opinions in your report, however.
Appendix L






Just as may happen in the real world, you might find you have a Board (group) member who refuses to participate in the group (or disappears).  The Board (group) has the right to remove (terminate membership of) the individual.  (Refer to Hagerty, James R. (2001, January 7).  How a high-flying e-commerce entrepreneur fell back to earth.  The Wall Street Journal, B1.)


Use the following procedure to remove an executive:


Step 1: Issue a witnessed verbal warning.  Be specific.  Make a record.  Give some time.  Move to the next step if improvement does not come.


Step 2: Issue a written warning, signed by the offender and the other company members, listing specific offenses and steps necessary to improve the offender’s performance and the time within which the improvement must be made.  Save this warning notice. 


Step 3: The Board (group) should meet to review the progress and make a decision.  Let Dr. Amar know of your decision; however, he will have no input or influence in the group’s decision.


Step 4: Issue a final termination notice to the offender.  Submit a two-page typed report to Dr. Amar explaining your process, along with the signed written warning and termination notices.


Step 5: The offender has the right to appeal to Dr. Amar for clemency within one week of the announcement of the termination.  The appeal should be a two-page typed documented explanation itemizing why the offender should not be terminated and the steps he or she would take to improve his or her group performance.  It is important for the offender to include in this appeal how he or she will compensate the group for the poor performance leading to the termination. 


Step 6:  Dr. Amar will review the appeal and make his final decision within one week from the filing of the appeal.  He is very likely to ask input of other team members jointly or severally in making his determination.  The decision made by Dr. Amar will be final and binding on all members of the team.


Please note; it will be almost impossible to get a passing grade in this course if the termination appeal is denied.



Appendix O


Cases for Strategic Analysis


1.                  Eastman Kodak                     CO. 5

2.                  Intel                                        CO. 2

3.                  Quaker Oats                          CO. 7

4.                  Colgate-Palmolive                  CO. 6

5.                  Wal-Mart                               CO. 4

6.                  Amazon-com                           CO. 3

7.                  Nike                                        CO. 1

8.                  Dow Chemical Company      


Appendix S



Volunteering to Serve on BPOL Future Review Boards



To involve former BPOL 5000 students in the administration of the future Business Policy courses, they are asked to sit on Review Boards or to act as stockholders at Annual Stockholders Meetings.  Typically, students who are selected to sit on these boards should have a good grasp of the subject matter, and have received an A grade in this course. 


Nevertheless, this also offers an opportunity for borderline A-students to get an A grade by volunteering to serve on these future boards.  This volunteer work has a reward of up to 2 Percentage Points.  Borderline students, accumulating 88 or 89 percentage points, may have their grade moved from a B+ to an A-.  HOWEVER, THIS WILL HAPPEN ONLY TO THOSE ON THE BORDERLINE OF GETTING AN A GRADE.  It is so because the students who will be eligible to be called back to serve on these boards should be good students.


To those students already expecting an A grade in this course, this volunteering may just provide the extra insurance.


In addition to a potential improvement in grade, this opportunity will give you the pleasure of serving your future Setonians.


If you are interested, please fill out your name and contact information below.  This must be done before the formation of the team.


(Professor A. D. Amar, Ph. D.; Seton Hall University)


Cut here------à------------------------------------à---------------------------------------à----------------------------





Contact Information:


Telephone(s) ___________________________________________________________________________




Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


(Please keep the professor informed of any changes in your contact information.)


I will be available to volunteer about two 2-hour slots of my time to serve on future BPOL 5000 Review Boards and/or Stockholder Meetings when contacted by Dr. Amar.  


________________________________________________________________ (Signature)


____________________________________________________________________ (Date)



Appendix T



Summer (June) 2006




Dr. A. D. Amar, Professor of Management


(Please complete this input to convey to the professor what should be done for the rest of the semester to help your learning to improve.  You may complete it as many times a semester as you want and quietly slip it in his mailbox.)



1.        What did you most like about the instructor that you will like to continue for the rest of the term?






2.        What did you least like about the instructor that you will like to discontinue for the rest of the term?






3.        What did you most like about this course the way it is designed and delivered?







4.        What did you least like about this course the way it is designed and delivered?  What changes will you suggest even now while in the mid-semester?







5.        Any additional comments



Appendix Z



Management Role-Playing



This section should include company’s important milestones, important managers in its history and their contribution, mission, and the current management’s vision.  Identify company’s industry, important players, and rivals.  Analyze the industry, and the economy in which it operates.  Position the company in its chosen marketplace.  Provide some premise by which the company should be working.  Also, provide your recommended/revised mission and vision statements to make them more appropriate. 


This section should provide strategic analysis of the company following TOWS methodology.  It should cover the company’s current goals and provide what, in your assessment, should be the right goals to be pursued.  You may also tie in here the Company’s mission and vision statements with the goals and objectives.


        Give company’s stated strategies and/or recognize them.  And, then, analyze them for their suitability for their stated goals and for the goals you have selected for them.


        Recommend corporate, business, divisional, and functional strategies the company should select; provide a plan to implement them in the company.


        Provide overall recommendations and assessment.  Show what changes should be expected if your recommendations were accepted and put into practice. 

        This presentation should also include the lessons you learned from this real world company and how you applied them to your simulated company.




You may select a company other than the ones listed here.  However, in that case, you need to write about ½ page explaining your reasons with the name of the company you would like to study.

*Not in the book.




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