Seton Hall University

Modern Languages

Spanish 1002


Spring 2002


Welcome back to Spanish 1002. It is the second course in a four-semester

language sequence designed to provide the student with the linguistic tools to

become moderately fluent in Spanish. Here you’ll find the information needed to

guide you through the semester. If you loose this document, you’ll be able to

retrieve it in the Seton Hall University Spanish Web page (Http:// that contains the syllabus plus information about

            -ongoing courses this semester

            -professors in the Modern Languages Department who teach Spanish,

            -cultural activities we are sponsoring,

            -links (enlaces) to other Spanish links.



Course Prerequisites

For the second semester of Spanish 1002, you as a student need to develop the

skills you acquired in Spanish 1001, i.e., the vocabulary that enables you to

meet people and perform socially and describe your surroundings within your

family circle, school, services.  You learned also about several

Spanish-speaking countries such as people of Spanish or Spanish-American origins

living in the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, Guatemala and

Argentina. It would be helpful to review the grammar you learned, such as the

present and the preterit tenses. These skills are a foundation for the second semester.


Course Description

We understand language is a skill that gives you access to knowledge. With this

in mind, in the first year sequence, we have laid out the blueprint to allow the

student to develop language skills (listening, oral, reading and writing) and

introduce you to the culture of several Spanish-speaking countries. We emphasize

speaking and listening skills during class time: a grammatical point is

introduced and then class time is mainly dedicated to providing the students the

opportunity to practice communicating with other students as well as the



Learning a language has in common with sports the fact that to learn

one must practice. For example, someone can tell you how to move in a pool, but

it is up to the person learning this skill to carry out the performance in order

to learn how to swim. Think of this analogy; it means that in any language

course you’ll do as well as you are willing to practice the language,

The second semester, Spanish 1002, covers chapters 5 to 10 of the language

package Atrévete.



In the second semester, we'll expand your vocabulary so you'll be able to start

speaking about such things as what you wear, how you feel, your health, about

traveling, the environment, politics and you professional goals.

We'll review briefly previous Gramatica  points such as the preterit and the

direct and indirect object pronouns. You'll learn more verb tenses such as the

imperfect, the command forms, compound verb tenses, the future and we'll finish

the semester with the subjunctive.


You'll get to know about the rich Amerindian cultures such as the Aztecs and the

Mayas, in Mesoamerica, the Incas in South America, besides cultural topics such

as markets, music and public festivities in Spanish-speaking countries.


Books and Software

Heining-Boynton, Audrey L., Cowell Glynis S., Torres-Quiñones, Sonia S.

iAtrévete! (Textbook, "Manual de Actividades, Interactive CD-ROM and an Audio

CD-ROM). Harcourt Brace and Co., 1999.

Web Site:

(When prompted: <atrevete>; the password is <tryit>)


Course Requirements

4 chapter exams 50% (First two Exams 20%; Second two exams: 30%)

2 brief paragraphs 10%

Homework 10%

Attendance and Participation 10%

Final Exam 20%


Exams. The following syllabus indicates the week the exam is to be held. Your

instructor will give you the exact date for your section.


Make-ups. In case you miss an exam, it is at the discretion of your instructor

whether  to offer a make-up. The rule is you must notify the instructor prior to

the date, if you have a valid reason (medical or family emergency). Your

instructor is not obliged to offer a make-up. It is a concession if there is a

serious reason for the absence. If you are given a make-up, it must be completed

within a week.


Paragraphs. Written in class. Short paragraphs (10 sentences) about a daily life

event or routine. Your instructor will give you the topic the day the paragraph

is written. You may use your textbook and dictionaries. If you are not in class,

there is no make-up.


Homework. At the time indicated by your instructor, you should hand in the

homework based on the ongoing story "Rafi y el sacrificio final", which you can

find in Part III (pages 189-200) in the Manual de actividades to accompany

Atrevete.  Late assignments will not be accepted.


Attendance and Participation. Absences lower your final course grade. If you

miss more than 5 classes, your final grade is lowered one letter point (For

example: a B is lowered to a C and so forth). You should review and study the

new material every day before and after class. That is your principal homework.

Final exam. For the date of your final exam of your section, consult either the

electronic Academic Calendar or the Registration Handbook.





14 de enero al 8 de febrero CAPÍTULO 5-6

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 12-1 pm . No hay clases el lunes 21 de enero.


Primer Día de Clases: Review of the Preterit in Chapter 5: 

Chapter 5: Pretérito, la Comida (voc. y la lectura La comida hispana, 169); el presente progresivo y La Argentina


iAsómate!:· La ropa (182-185)

iEntérate! La ropa (Read on your own, 186); Carta de Bob Vila. (Read on your

own- will be reviewed in class); Los aztecas y los mayas (204-205 )

Gramática: La verbos reflexivos,(188-192); Los mandatos formales (196-199)

Pronombres como complementos directos e indirectos (199-200);El imperfecto (200-203)

Rafi y el Sacrificio Final (Homework on your own; Entregar la tarea)

             Examen de los capitulo 5-6: 11-13 de febrero; párrafo en clase.


13-28 de febrero, CAPÍTULO 7

19 de febrero (martes) No hay clases.

20 de febrero (miércoles) se sigue el horario del lunes.

iAsómate!: El cuerpo humano (214-216); Las enfermedades y los tratamientos médicos (220-222)

             iEntérate! La música hispana (Read on your own, 74-75); El imperio incaico y Perú

             (227-229, read on your own, it will be reviewed in class)

            Gramática: · Los mandatos informales (216-219).  El pretérito versus el imperfecto.

Rafi y el sacrificio final. Entrega la tarea.

Examen del capítulo 7 (27-28 de febrero)



1-22 de marzo, CAPÍTULO 8


Asómate!: El transporte (238-241); El viaje (245-247; ¿Cómo te sientes?

(248-249); Ir de compras ( 250-254); Unos eventos importantes de la vida (254-256)

iEntérate! Los días festivos (244-245); Read on your own);: El día de los

muertos (257- Read on your own, it will be reviewed in class)  Colombia y los países norteños de Sur América (262-263; Read on your own; it will be reviewed

            in class)

Gramática: El presente perfecto y el pluscuamperfecto (241-245);· Los participios pasados (249); el comparativo y el superlativo (258-260); los adjetivos demostrativos (260-261)

Rafi y el sacrificio final (entrega la tarea)

Examen del capítulo 8.  Segundo párrafo. (20-21 de marzo)



25 de marzo- 1 de abril- Vacaciones de Primavera y de Semana Santa

el primero de abril hay clases nocturnas


2-23  de abril, CAPÍTULO 9


iAsómate!: Los animales (272-275); El medio ambiente (280-282); La política


             iEntérate! Los animales en peligros de extinción (276-277-Read on your own)

El medio ambiente (283-284- Read on your own, it will be discussed in class);

Los hispanos en la política (298-299, read on your own, it will be discussed

in class)

Costa Rica (300-301 - Read on your own, it will be discussed in class)

            Gramática: Los adverbios (275); el subjuntivo (284).  Prepositions "Por" y "Para"

            Preposiciones (293-294)

Rafi y el sacrificio final (entrega la tarea)

Examen del capítulo 9 (22-23  de abril)


24 de abril – 2 de mayo, CAPÍTULO 10


 Gramática: El subjuntivo (315-317; el Futuro y el Condicional (322-324);                                                                        

             Las expresiones afirmativas y negativas (325-326);  El subjuntivo (326-327)


EXAMEN FINAL, (consultar el horario de exámenes)  El examen final incluye los capítulos del 5 al 9 y la gramática indicada en el capítulo 10.