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iSHU App
You have reached the project page for the iSHU Android app. The app has not
yet been submitted to the store, but you can download it here and install it
manually if you are interested in testing it.
- If you haven't done it already, go to "Settings -> Applications" and
make sure the "Unknown Sources" option is checked
- "Long-click" on the following link and pick "Save Link"
- After the file has downloaded, long-click the "iSHU.apt" file
- Pick "Open" and answer any questions if necessary
The app should get installed and you are ready to use it. Please send me
any feedback if you have any.
App Icon
Activity Icons
Feed Resources
- Athletics
- http://www.shupirates.com/RSSFeed.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=12600
- Course Info
- Directory
- http://domapp01.shu.edu/depts/uc/apps/shuphone.nsf/(mobileEDUName)?OpenAgent&name=XXXXXXXX
- https://domapp01.shu.edu/depts/uc/apps/shuphone.nsf/(mobileEDUID)?OpenAgent&id=xxxxx
- Events
- http://www.shu.edu/calendars/upload/currentEvents.xml
- Campus Map
- News
- http://www.shu.edu/news/index.cfm?xml=Latest%20News%20and%20Events%20from%20Seton%20Hall%20University,RSS2.0
- http://www.shupirates.com/rss.dbml?db_oem_id=12600&media=news
- Setonian?
- Photos
- http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=8166339@N08&lang=en-us&format=rss_200%20 (via Flickr)
- Videos
- http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/setonhall/uploads?orderby=updated&alt=rss&v=2 (via YouTube)
Graphics Test