public class FFT
* This method (function) computes the Fourier coefficients of a functions
* specified via discrete points. The input array ar contains the
* real values, ai the imaginary values of the input function,
* or zero if the function is a real-valued function (most likely).
* The length of the arrays must be the same, and must be a power
* of two. It is specified as the input value n.
* The input variable sign specifies regular (sign = 1) or inverse
* (sign = -1) Fourier transform.
* On output the arrays ar and ai contain the Fourier coefficients
* of the Fourier series.
public static void computeFFT(int sign, int n, double ar[], double ai[])
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar[i] * scale;
ai[j] = ai[i] * scale;
ar[i] = tempr;
ai[i] = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax; mmax < n; mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar[i] - tr;
ai[j] = ai[i] - ti;
ar[i] += tr;
ai[i] += ti;
mmax = istep;